Congratulations on successfully completing your program!

Although your formal engagement with CIP has concluded, your journey with us doesn't have to end here.

You're now a valuable part of our vibrant alumni community, where opportunities for both personal and professional growth await.

Your Continuing Journey with CIP

As a CIP alum, you have access to a network that thrives on connections and cross-cultural exchange.

Engage with fellow alumni and explore a multitude of opportunities through our three distinct alumni groups:

Council of International Programs, USA (CIP) Alumni
Council of International Programs, USA (CIP) Alumni

Join this group to stay connected with former participants and engage in discussions through various social media platforms like:

Council of International Fellowship (CIF) Alumni
Council of International Fellowship (CIF) Alumni

For alumni involved in social or human services, this group offers networking opportunities and resources tailored to your field.

Explore CIF Alumni Group

U.S. State Department Alumni
U.S. State Department Alumni

If you were an exchange visitor on a J-1 visa, this alumni group provides networking opportunities and specialized resources for your continued professional growth.

Discover State Department Alumni Group

Embrace the Benefits

Each alumni group offers unique avenues for engagement, support, and resource access.

Click on the provided links to learn more about the activities, resources, and benefits each group has to offer.

We encourage you to make the most of the resources available through our alumni networks. Stay connected, continue to grow, and remain an active part of the CIP family!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance at [email protected]